Tuesday, September 8, 2009

PATRICErelease... therapy

I don't know what's going on in my head right now so ima just type. A struggle for sanity... a perseverance for peace of mind. I put myself in situations that I never should have. Now I'm lost in my mistakes. Torn, confused, guilty... I don't know what to do. Trying to press on & live with my decisions. A glass half full, or half empty. Just waiting for the other half to be poured. A lonely feeling, a wanting for more. Growing impatient & questioning myself... why??? Tears can cleanse the body, the soul. Washing away pent up emotions or feelings or pain. When you think you are tired of cleaning, more water is drawn. More soap is pumped. Emotions spilling everywhere, scurrying to wipe them up. Strong, but needing my support system. A mechanism to keep me grounded. The only one to truely decipher the most complicated combination of the heart & mind. Young but oh so sure. No matter how many mistakes are made, only one vision. No future brighter. No love greater. Irreplaceable...